Mandatory Concussion Protocol Testing

From Steve Carpenito: To insure compliance with the Minnesota Racing Commission’s mandatory concussion protocol, all drivers must complete physiological baseline testing prior to driving in either a qualifier or a race. The basic exercise will last about 20 to 25 minutes and consists of both a cognitive/memory exercise as well as a physical component.

Running Aces has trained Officers to conduct the testing. It is intended to measure where you are at right now as a comparison point should a head injury or concussion become a concern at a later point in time. 

The testing has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 3rd and Monday, May 8th from 1 to 4 P.M. These days were selected in advance of our two pre-meet scheduled qualifying days. Testing will take place in Barn A in the Horseman Lounge and will be done on a walk in basis. No special equipment or clothing is needed. 

If you cannot make these times, please coordinate a time with me prior to driving in a race or qualifier.  

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